Orthodoxy + Orthopraxy

Articles from Covenant Seminary faculty, alumni, and friends about biblical doctrine and the Christian life.

Our Returning King
Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs

Our Returning King

During times of tragedy, we look to the book of Revelation to remember that our king Jesus will have the last word on history, the last word on evil, and the last word on us.

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Reflections on the Whispers
Dr. Dan Zink Dr. Dan Zink

Reflections on the Whispers

Seventy is upon me. I find I am not afraid. I find peace. I am discovering that this spot down the track is a high place, like a place where after climbing up and standing, you catch your breath only to have it taken again by the vastness and the beauty of the view.

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My top Ten(ish) Reads of 2022
Dr. Mark Ryan Dr. Mark Ryan

My top Ten(ish) Reads of 2022

Dr. Mark Ryan has put together a list of favorite books he read this year to help you discern what may be helpful for your own ministry as you seek to proclaim the gospel in your particular context.

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The Beauty of Seeing One Another Developmentally
Dr. Paul Loosemore Dr. Paul Loosemore

The Beauty of Seeing One Another Developmentally

We’re all in different stages of growth as human beings. How does it change our view of others if we allow ourselves to consider their ongoing development and not just our experience of them?

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A Tribute to Jerram Barrs
Dr. Mark Ryan Dr. Mark Ryan

A Tribute to Jerram Barrs

Dr. Mark Ryan pays tribute to the man whose heart for the gospel, compassion for people, and passion for apologetics based in respect for others has shaped generations of pastors and ministry leaders through his teaching and work with the Francis Schaeffer Institute.

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Preparing Pastors and Ministry Leaders to Reach the Next Generation
Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs

Preparing Pastors and Ministry Leaders to Reach the Next Generation

In any given year the pressures of pastoral ministry are challenging, and today’s cultural climate has made our time one of the most difficult seasons for ministry leaders. How can we prepare such leaders for what they will face? God offers some help through his prophet Isaiah.

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Fallow Ground and the Rain of Righteousness
Dr. Robert Yarbrough Dr. Robert Yarbrough

Fallow Ground and the Rain of Righteousness

“Fallow” basically means unused or undeveloped. For farmers it applies to land left unplanted for a year so it can be more productive the next. “Fallow” can also describe the human heart, which should respond productively to God’s Word. But our hearts may underperform.

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Pleasure, Power, and Purpose
Dr. Dan Zink Dr. Dan Zink

Pleasure, Power, and Purpose

Is your counseling work with people person-centered or therapist-centered? A look at Freud, Frankl, and the Bible can help us find focus.

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Pray for Ukraine
Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs

Pray for Ukraine

None of us can say what will occur in Ukraine or the world in the days ahead, but we can be confident in the character of our God who hears the prayers of his children and will finally extinguish the presence of evil.

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Westminster, Race, and justice
Covenant Seminary Covenant Seminary

Westminster, Race, and justice

As followers of Jesus, particularly within the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition, we have an extraordinarily helpful perspective for a robust engagement of race and justice in the Scriptures, helpfully summarized in our Standards. In other words, the Scriptures and our Standards are sufficient to orient our conversations on these topics.

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